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Evaluating and selecting an LSP. Are Test Translations the way to go?


2 min read

Written by


Argos Multilingual

Published on

31 Mar 2017

The truth is that today’s market is full of translation and localization suppliers. If you have ever searched for a Language Services Provider (LSP), you probably noticed there is no shortage, but rather choosing the RIGHT ONE to suit your needs is most challenging.

So, what is the best way to measure language providers? You could do a test translation, but is that the best path to take? Test translations allow you to compare the quality of translations from several suppliers. But, what in the case when you have marketing content, where quality becomes subjective as it depends on whether the evaluator likes the tone and style used? And what about specialized content that requires specialist knowledge. Can general technical linguists really offer a repeatable solution for your individual localization program? These are just some of the issues our Operations Director, Joanna Weitz addresses in her article on “Requesting Test Translations” published by Multilingual Magazine.

Based on her own experiences, Joanna reveals why conducting a test translation is not enough to guarantee high quality output and why we should consider additional factors when evaluating Language Service Providers. Other factors that can help you measure LSPs, include checking whether the LSP holds quality certifications, which can guarantee high quality processes and standards or even conducting a ‘request for proposal’ (RFP), which can give you a good insight into the company workflow.

To learn more about test translations and other quality measurement methods, read Joanna’s article on “Requesting Test Translations” published by Multilingual Magazine, and partner with the right LSP before your next localization project.

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