
Rimini Street Website Translation:
Fast and Seamless Translation, Achieved.

The Background

Rimini Street wanted a solution that could deploy translations quickly and accurately, as well as scale to meet their expanding global needs. They wanted access to a depth of translation resources with subject matter expertise, coupled with integration with their existing CMS to keep up with the fast pace of their business.

The Challenge

In its drive to go global, Rimini Street faced these challenges.

1) Rimini Street’s translation process was entirely manual and could not scale to support its growing global business.

2) Their access to local resources for translation and review was limited and the quality of the end result was inconsistent.

3) Because they are a fast-moving company, they required not only quality but also speed with their translations.

This manual process of copy-and-paste is slow and error-prone. For their multilingual website, Rimini Street wanted a different solution that could deploy translations quickly and accurately, as well as scale to meet their expanding global needs. They wanted access to a depth of translation resources with subject matter expertise, coupled with integration with their existing CMS to keep up with the fast pace of their business.

The Solution

Venga Gateway Connect for Ingeniux Integration turned out to be ideal to meet Rimini Street’s needs for rapid global expansion. Gateway Connect creates a seamless website translation integration within the Ingeniux CMS. With the integration, all the copying and pasting or posting files is removed from the process. Instead, files are maintained directly within the integrated system. Posting the translated pages to the website takes a couple of seconds. The result takes the pain and long timelines out of web translation while also simplifying the process. This integration reduces errors and timelines and at the same time increases productivity, speed, continuity, consistency, and reliability. The biggest benefit? The solution cuts the traditional website translation process in half, from eight steps to four.

Ingeniux integration: 8 steps to 4

The Result

Venga provided Rimini Street translations within two weeks; because of the seamless integration with the Ingeniux CMS, the Japanese website could be launched within one month. In the old manual copy-and-paste method, companies frequently have issues with pasting the content back into the website as the directionality can easily get confused. Through the integration, the directionality is adjusted automatically and correctly. This is yet another example of how the CMS integration works seamlessly while still ensuring the highest quality, reliability, and consistency.

Rimini Street was extremely satisfied with the speed and quality of the translations and the process in general. In fact, they expanded this solution into other languages, including German, Brazilian Portuguese, Arabic, French, Hebrew, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese.